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Specific features of dural sinuses and structural-functional properties of erythrocyte membranes in adolescents with connective tissue dysplasia

Specific features of dural sinuses and structural-functional properties of erythrocyte membranes in adolescents with connective tissue dysplasia

Specific features of dural sinuses and structural-functional properties of erythrocyte membranes in adolescents with connective tissue dysplasia
Mashin VV, Belova LA, Antignani PL, Belova NV, Proshin AN, Kiseleva AA, et al.
Acta Phlebol 2024;25:156-62. DOI: 10.23736/ S1593-232X.24.00625-8
BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to examine the anatomical features of the dural sinuses using magnetic resonance venography and viscoelastic properties of erythrocyte membranes in adolescents with connective tissue dysplasia using atomic force microscopy. METHODS: A total of 156 adolescents were examined. The main group (MG) consisted of 82 adolescents with signs of connective tissue dys- plasia (CTD). The comparison group included 74 adolescents without manifestations of CTD. Connective tissue dysplasia was evaluated using the scale offered by L.N. Abakumova (2006). Magnetic resonance angiography was performed with the application of the Siemens Magnetom Symphony system equipped with a superconducting magnetic system with a field strength of 1.5 Tesla. Dry preparations of erythrocytes were prepared to study the state of the cytoplasmic membrane of erythrocytes. The preparation was subjected to scanning, which was carried out using a SOLVER P47-Pro atomic force microscope. RESULTS: Anatomical variations in the structure of the dural sinuses were identified in most adolescents of the MG. At the same time, hypoplasia of the sinuses in patients of the MG was diagnosed more often than asymmetry of these structures. In the CG, the number of anatomical variations in the structure of the dural sinuses also prevailed over the symmetrical structure, but asymmetry of the sinuses was diagnosed more often. A comparative analysis of Young’s modulus values in two groups of patients showed a statistically significant superiority of this indicator in the MG. Correlation analysis of the severity of CTD and Young’s modulus values revealed a moderate, direct relationship. CONCLUSIONS: In view of the foregoing, it is possible to assume that the structural features of cerebral vessels and the elastic properties of erythrocyte membranes present in CTD, which are inherent in the process of embryogenesis, worsen the functional and adaptive capabilities of intracranial vessels, which contributes to the emergence and progression of cerebral venous disorders with their subsequent clinical manifestation.